Sunday 26 August 2012

Issue 77, March 2011

Nation Revisited
# 77, March 2011

Setting an example
We never know the influence that we have on others. Every human contact makes an impression without us necessarily knowing anything about it. The way that we talk and conduct ourselves is therefore important because people are impressed by good behaviour and disgusted by loutishness.

We should set an example by not behaving in a crass or thoughtless way. Most people are embarrassed by racial or religious confrontations. Calling immigrants offensive names often damages the abuser more than the abused.

Immigration is about race and culture but it’s also about politics and economics. Britain is an average sized European country with 62 million people and rising unemployment. We need to reduce immigration but the Maastricht Treaty of 1992 guarantees access to EU citizens. Therefore we can only control non-European immigration. There is nothing racist or illegal about that. We cannot be prosecuted by the state for discussing economics.

Zionism is not so easy. The most restrained criticism of Israel is shouted down as ‘anti-Semitism’. Even Jewish campaigners for justice in Palestine are accused of it.   Israel is the only state in the world founded on racism and sustained by American foreign aid. Israel will fall as soon as the USA cuts off funding. That day will surely come, but meanwhile we must support UN Resolution 242 and refuse to be bullied by the Zionists. The old order is collapsing in the Middle East and the compliance of the Arab states is no longer guaranteed.
The poor general election results of the far-right show that they will never come to power in Britain. We are stuck with the old gang parties that are owned by big business and committed to free trade and open borders. But they depend on the votes of the people and can be influenced by pressure groups. Ben Page of Ipsos MORI said: “For the first time we are now seeing a rise in people saying immigration is not just a problem nationally, but specifically in their own local areas.”

Immigration was used by the Labour government to change the racial makeup of Britain. 80% of the 5.5 million immigrants that flooded in under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were from the Third World (Daily Telegraph 22-02-11).  In 2009 Andrew Neather a former adviser to Tony Blair admitted that their policy was to: “rub the Right’s nose in diversity.”  The present government has appointed Damian Green to control immigration but we must keep up the pressure. Three out of every four Britons are worried about immigration but only 5 – 10% of them are prepared to vote against it; a figure that has been consistent over the past fifty years despite the rise and fall of far-right parties. 

We need to explain the reasons for immigration and the benefits of stopping and reversing it. The majority of British people are opposed to immigration but they do not show it at the ballot box. We have tried the direct approach with limited success. Nowadays we have to moderate our approach to stay within the law, but there’s nothing to stop us campaigning against non-EU immigration, especially at a time or rising unemployment. Governments all over Europe have already started to listen to public opinion.

Skidelski on Mosley
Political correctness can only thrive if those who influence public opinion go along with it. Most writers and opinion makers are frightened to make a stand against the pernicious culture of self-censorship but a few brave men and women have refused to be intimidated. Thirty years ago the historian Robert Skidelski defended his biography of Oswald Mosley and rejected claims by Vernon Bogdanor that he had been too sympathetic.

...I would still defend this biographical bias as a contribution to historical truth. The trouble is that most previous writing about Mosley, especially the fascist Mosley, had been from the prosecution point of view. This led to some very biased history. For example, even a historian so much on his guard against fashionable orthodoxies as AJP Taylor could write that in the 1930s the BUF ‘relied on marches and violence, not on speeches.’ This is simply not true. I calculated that in the first four years of fascism – before his outlets began to dry up – Mosley made over a hundred speeches a year. Yet from some accounts one would gather that he made token appearances on the platform merely to give his stewards an excuse for beating up opponents.

Bogdanor is shocked that I wrote of blackshirts that they ‘acquitted themselves with aplomb in many difficult situations, and often with conspicuous courage.’ He does not quote the context of the remark: ‘Nor is it fair to brand the blackshirts indiscriminately as thugs, sadists and bullies.’ What I was objecting to was the unthinking label ‘Mosley’s thugs’ – a phrase which reappeared in some of the very reviews which accused me of bias. There were thugs and bullies; but an even handed approach would also recognise that violence sometimes occurred under conditions of great stress.

Bias may thus have its uses as a corrective. History is usually written against a background of previous argument. A revisionist view is bound to contain counter-argument. Those who demand, as Bogdanor does, a ‘rounded view’ of reality within the confines of a single book ignore the previous background and the fact that it is through the process of argument between different historians that contentious issues get clarified. Even if I plead too much on Mosley’s behalf in the 1930s, I would still defend the method as a contribution to the truth, against the background of what had previously been written. (British Fascism, K Lunn and R Thurlow 1980)

Robert Skidelski is one of the few historians to have avoided ‘fashionable orthodoxies.’ The BUF has been demonised by generations of politically correct pseudo-historians who have rewritten history to suit their prejudices. The ridiculous idea that Mosley held vast public meetings in order to beat up his audience is generally accepted. And the mythical Battle of Cable Street is commemorated by the local council. In fact, the only battle was between a screaming Red mob and the police. Mosley obeyed police instructions and diverted the march away from Cable Street in order to avoid violence. But the left wing version of events is taught in schools, just as the myth of German responsibility for the Katyn Forest Massacre was taught in the Soviet Union.

Now that Mosley’s predictions about the failure of global capitalism have come to pass it’s time to re-examine his policies. He advocated a self-contained British Empire before the war and a self-contained European Union after the war. He also predicted the rise of Asia and the destruction of British industry. Robert Skidelski’s other great biography was of John Maynard Keynes, the advocate of state intervention. He has been out of favour since Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher adopted the gospel of free trade. We were told that the market would sort itself out if only we let it. But deregulation resulted in the current economic crisis. Keynes has now been vindicated; Mosley will surely follow.

Imperium Europa
Congratulations to Norman Lowell on the seventh anniversary of the Maltese pan-European movement Imperium Europa. Videos of speeches commemorating the occasion can be seen at:  

In her opening speech Etoile Noir reminds the audience that they cannot “go to sleep” just because the influx of African illegal immigrants to Malta has stopped. They still have thousands of unemployed Africans who need to be repatriated. She goes on to call for European solidarity and denounces tribal attitudes that seek to divide us. She reminds us that we are all Europeans who share the same civilisation and face the same problems.
Norman Lowell starts his speech in English by welcoming visitors from the UK and giving an update on his latest appeal against a two year prison sentence for contravening Malta’s race laws. His final appeal will be heard on the 28th February. He then switches to the Maltese language.

The African invasion of Europe from Libya was stopped by Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. In return for Italian ‘reparations’ of $5 billion he agreed to intercept sub-Saharan refugees before they reached the Mediterranean. Gaddafi was welcomed back to the fold by Tony Blair’s infamous “deal in the desert” of 2004. But the old revolutionary is now fighting a civil war and refugees are fleeing to Malta and Lampedusa. Italian foreign minister Franco Frattini has warned of a new influx of 300,000 refugees and called for a united European response.
Now that Spain is controlling immigration from Morocco and Greece is building a wall to stop Asians - mostly Bangladeshis - from crossing the Turkish border, Heathrow Airport is the main entry point for Third World immigrants to Europe.

Rising food prices are contributing to unrest throughout the Third World. As food gets dearer economic refugees will be even more desperate to get into Europe. A prosperous Europe would be able to donate surpluses to those in need but a bankrupt and overrun Europe would be in no position to help. It’s in everybody’s interest to stop the influx and help those living in appalling conditions to go home. Recent speeches by Angela Merkel, Dave Cameron and Nicolas Sarkosy suggest that they have started to take immigration seriously.
Manipulating the market
We often hear that banks create money out of nothing with the click of a mouse. But if it was really that easy we wouldn’t have a financial crisis. We could simply issue more money by clicking a few more times. The Bank of England and the US Federal Reserve have only resorted to ‘quantitative easing’ as an emergency measure. It’s like having an advance on your salary, but if they did it as a matter of course the pound and the dollar would quickly depreciate and oblige them to issue more money to pay for imports. This is what destroyed the Zimbabwe dollar.

Devaluation makes our exports more competitive but it raises the cost of imports. UK inflation has risen as a direct result of the pound falling 20% against the dollar. The old trick of using interest rates to influence exchange rates no longer works because the pound is not nearly as important as the dollar or the euro. The US dollar accounts for 60% of the world’s currency reserves; the euro is at 30%, and Britain, Japan, Canada and Switzerland share the remaining 10%.

Britain and America have little control over currency fluctuations but China can call the tune because her economy is growing by 10% per annum and she has foreign currency reserves of $2.85 trillion – mostly in US Treasury Bonds. The yuan was un-pegged from the dollar in 2005 but the People’s Bank of China is manipulating the market. President Barack Obama has protested to President Hu Jintao but it’s difficult to threaten a country that’s lending you the money to stay afloat. 

There has been speculation about a return to the Gold Standard. Britain left it in 1944 when the Bretton Woods Agreement pegged the pound to the dollar. That lasted until 1971 when the US abandoned the Gold Standard in the wake of Vietnam. There might have been enough gold in the world to back currencies in the early 20th century but there certainly isn’t today. The idea is a non starter.

Western countries with high living standards, social security systems and health and safety regulations cannot compete with the regimented labour of China. However much we automate and rationalise we will never match their low production costs. Modern methods and machinery mean that there is no difference in quality between Europe and Asia but there’s a huge difference in wages.

The answer is to disengage from world trade as far as possible. Britain is not self-sufficient because we import nearly half of our food, gas and oil. But together with mainland Europe and Russia we could be. The model for such a union is the United States of America with fifty self-governing states under a federal government in Washington. The individual states have their own parliaments and judiciaries but they are united by one currency, one army and one president.

Our island nation is reluctant to accept a federal solution but it’s the only way to preserve our European identity. We haven’t grown enough food to feed ourselves since the 18th century. We could probably grow more crops but we would still be short of gas and oil. We must decide if we want to be equal partners in the European Union – the world’s largest trading bloc - or survive as an American dependency or as subjects of the Celestial Empire. Staying on our own is no longer an option.

The lesson of history
The great Spanish-American philosopher George Santayana said: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” The various nationalist parties in the European Parliament should heed his words or their attempts at unity will be undone by the very nationalism that they expound.

The chance of pre-war European unity was wrecked by nationalism. The Germans and Italians sponsored fascist movements throughout Europe but in support of imperial ambitions National Socialist Germany invaded her neighbours Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland and Fascist Italy invaded her neighbours Albania and Greece. All of these states had likeminded anti-communist governments; in fact Austria and Greece had proper fascist regimes, but their shared ideology did not save them from invasion. 

General Francisco Franco established Nationalist Spain with Italian and German help, but when Hitler wanted to bomb British installations in Gibraltar from Algeciras El Jefe refused. It was the same with Marshall Carl Gustav Mannerheim of Finland. He was glad of German aid in the war with the Soviet Union but refused to help Hitler attack Leningrad. And while the soldiers of Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria fought for the Axis their governments were preoccupied with territorial disputes.

The Waffen SS started out as an elite German formation but by 1941 the Nazis were recruiting from all over Europe and beyond. By the end of the war the Waffen SS was 60% non-German. And when the Red Army stormed the Fuhrebunker the last troops standing were remnants of the French SS Division Charlemagne led by Unterscharfuhrer (sergeant) Eugene Vaulot. Against impossible odds they held out until 2nd May 1945 to prevent the Soviets from taking the bunker on May Day.

But the Nazis learned their lesson too late and Europe was humiliated and divided between America and Russia. A united Europe could have banished plutocracy and communism 70 years ago. Instead we clung to the illusion of national independence and suffered the bloodbath of World War II followed by half a century of occupation.  But nothing lasts forever; communism has collapsed in Russia, capitalism is in crisis in America, and Europe is moving towards unity. This time we must ensure that petty nationalism is supplanted by the greater patriotism of Europe.

It’s right and natural to take pride in one’s own country and its achievements. We all shout for our own team but when healthy enthusiasm turns to fanaticism it becomes self-destructive. Then the half-witted jingoism of the popular press turns into the madness of xenophobia. We must learn from the mistakes of the past. We are Europeans by blood, language and civilisation. We have wasted centuries fighting amongst ourselves but it’s never too late to embrace our common heritage.

The Third World population explosion leaves us no alternative but political and economic union. We can only survive by standing together. Europe allied with Russia would have the technology, the resources and the manpower to be self-sufficient. All that we need is solidarity and faith in the future.

The end of politics
Parliamentary democracy evolved to represent the rigid class system of the last century. But times have changed and the political parties have been taken over by big business. The great international corporations exert enormous influence over governments. They turn over more money than many nation states and their bosses wield greater power than most prime ministers or presidents. When Barack Obama threatened BP over the Gulf of Mexico disaster all they did was to replace their top man in the USA and carry on as normal. They paid for the clean-up but they are still operating in the USA.

The top ten world corporations are; Shell (Netherlands), Exxon (USA). Wal-Mart (USA), BP (UK), Chevron (USA), Total (France), Conoco Phillips (USA), ING Group (Netherlands), Sinopec (China), Toyota (Japan). Data from
Governments depend on taxes from the giant corporations to stay in power. Political and economic policies are implemented by elected politicians but decided by boards of directors, often sitting thousands of miles away. Whatever party comes to power it depends on big business. Governments could assert their independence but none in modern times has dared to. Britain’s last Labour government was put in power by Rupert Murdoch but when it started to go off course under Gordon Brown it was dropped and Dave Cameron was put in power.

All attempts to destroy capitalism have failed. The French Revolution started by executing a king and ended by crowning an Emperor. The Russian Revolution was hijacked by the middle classes and National Socialism led to world war. The last attempt was Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution of 1966 when his Red Guards tried to install communism in China. But instead of building a socialist state they founded a formidable capitalist superpower. We can’t destroy capitalism but we can control it. The great international corporations do not seek confrontation with nation states; they prefer to work with them. This cooperation can be the basis of a future system of government that recognises the realities of world power. Labour and capital need each other and both deserve representation. A government drawn from the military, the universities, the trade unions and industry would make more sense than one comprised of professional politicians with no work experience.

Politicians used to come from working backgrounds. They were bankers, brokers, lawyers, industrialists and trade unionists; people that understood commerce and industry. But now MPs come straight from university with no experience of earning a living in the real world. They cannot understand the problems of working people. It’s time to make a bonfire of party politics and install a representative government. In the Internet Age we don’t have to cram 650 unemployables into a Victorian building and then march them in and out of lobbies to be counted. This antiquated system is no longer fit for purpose and should be done away with as soon as possible. We deserve better representation and an efficient system of government.
Gallows Humour
William Joyce was born in New York to an Irish father and an English mother in 1906. He grew up and was educated in Galway and only came to England as a young man. He was a naturalised German citizen but nevertheless he was charged with ‘high treason’ for broadcasting wartime propaganda from Hamburg. He was hanged in January 1946.

The following extract is taken from Hitler’s Englishman by Francis Selwyn, published in 1987 by Routledge & Kegan Paul.

When Head, his solicitor, visited him in Brixton one day, Joyce was suddenly struck by the thought that he might find himself tried before a predominately Jewish jury. Head assured him that his counsel would have the right to challenge jurors, if he thought they were Jewish. “How does one know them?” Joyce asked. “Oh,” said Head. “When they take the oath they put on a hat, or put their hand on their head.”  A glint of amusement appeared in the prisoners eyes. “Well,” he said, “if six of them do it, wouldn’t it be a good idea if I took the oath the same way?”
Nation Revisited Interview
I asked people who support the concept of European unity the following questions. Here is Robert Edwards, a former member of Sir Oswald Mosley’s Union Movement.

Who are you?
Robert Edwards. I am the co-ordinator of European Action and the editor of its paper, European Socialist Action.

What do you believe in?
I believe in social justice and the liberation of all peoples from the grip of international (globalist) finance. I believe in cultural integrity and the right of people to preserve those cultures free from interference from outside. I oppose all ideas based on racial supremacy. I also oppose the persecution of peoples based on religion. All have a right to worship anywhere and anyway they chose, whether in church, synagogue or mosque. There is no such thing as a ‘British’ religion. Right-wing reactionaries who exploit ‘Islamophobia’ do so because they are bereft of any constructive ideas. Besides, it is largely dishonest because their true motive is essentially racial but they are too gutless to admit this.

This liberation of all peoples, I believe, can only come about through the entire world being organised along the lines of continental systems, with their own governments and with their own self-sufficient and independent economies, free from the current international trading system. Mosley’s concept of Europe a Nation should be adopted as a blue-print and the model for other areas of the world. Only systems large enough can be truly independent and self-sufficient. Smaller nations, as currently constituted, will always remain dependent on a larger power. Better to be part of a greater union in equal partnership. Union is strength.

I believe in European Socialism, a system based on syndicalism or workers’ ownership. I also believe the people should own the means of production, distribution and exchange. I oppose free market economics and the idea of international competition. The living standards of our own people must always come first and that is why we should have our own European trading area for a thriving home market. Bring an end to the import of cheap goods from low-wage Eastern economies which undercuts the European worker and keeps our wages low as a consequence. European manufacturing for European consumption only. Organise and lead within our own area! It can be done. All that is needed is the will.

I believe in the complete union of Europe as a single system with its own government, its own military defence force and a single currency and economy. The regions of Europe should retain regional customs and local laws best suited to them. However, I reject this watered-down nonsense of ‘confederation’ which is not union at all but a set of loose alliances for the purpose of limited co-operation. Some bourgeois petty nationalists are trying to push this confederation idea while retaining their nationalistic narrow world view, hanging on to out-dated illusionary ideas of sovereignty. Ten pygmies do not make a giant and ten separate nation-states would always remain essentially divided. Nationalism should be consigned to the dustbin of history as an anachronism with nothing to offer the people. The age of the nation-state is over ... now comes the age of great continental systems.

What are you proud of and what do you regret?
I am proud of having been a member of Oswald Mosley’s Union Movement and of being, at one time, UM’s West London Area Organiser. I regret nothing. To regret is pointless. To learn from one’s mistakes is far more important.

How would you like to be remembered?
As a notorious cartoonist. What else?

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